

Mother Nature's kids
Also have little boo-boos
All's well that ends well
This is a screen shot of the osprey nest in Missoula, Montana,
 part of a Cornell University and University of Montana study.
The two birds laying down are the two chicks that are left.
They collided when landing on the nest, and one of them
was knocked unconscious briefly.
Thankfully, they are both ok now.
That is the father bird (Stanley) looking at them.
 Wonder what is going thru his birdie mind.
Probably wondering what kind of dumb chicks he raised!
The mother and one other chick have already gone on their migration.
Once I found out they are both ok,
I could not stop laughing.
Too funny!
I think they need navigation lessons before they start their own migration!
for more haiku click here

It's been raining here for a week! 
Love rainy days!


  1. Oh my! I've never heard of such a thing happening! Glad they are both okay and can take off again for the skies and their migration. That is if they can navigate around each other!

  2. This is so sad and funny all at once… I"m glad they are ok now.

  3. Love your beautiful header and haiku and glad that the birds are well! All very creative!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  4. That is funny! People bump into each other but you expect birds to steer clear from each other. Judie I love your new banner. Inspired by the rain? It is wonderful.

  5. Oh dear! Nice to know they are okay

    Have a good weekend

    Much love...

  6. i love your new banner! lovely,bright and welcoming, just like you!
    thanks for your place in my heart and our friday circle. so nice to have this connection of care.

  7. What a lovely story, as you say all's well that ends well! A little robin flew into my widow the other day, I ended up putting him to rest up the garden. Could not stop thinking about the poor little thing all day! x

  8. oh...the poor things! happy they are OK...like Sue, I have birds fly into my windows all the time. they are so dirty I don't know how they are fooled :) but they are usually OK too

  9. Hi Judie. Love your new banner. It's a wonderful painting and your haiku is great. Glad the birds are okay. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. I love this! All of nature shares in getting "boo-boos"! Insightful fun! So glad that the birds are okay.

  11. I wonder if things that don't end well can somehow be mysterious little gifts that we can open for the truth and beauty they contain.


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