
Haiku My Heart - Art

There's no better sight
Than Mother Nature's paint brush
Wing, air, water, life

Bow down to her might
The natural art is queen
Her creations rule

These wonderful creatures
originally and continually
painted by the brush of Mother Nature
are the objects of my current art study
This is one that floats under the fishing pier
quietly waiting for a handout
and waiting...
and waiting.....
The most patient of birds

This is one that stands on the shore
looking out to sea
having Pelican daydreams
big juicy fish....yum
work in progress
All of these are painted with acrylic
on recycled wood fence pickets
4" wide, 15" or less high
nail holes and cracks filled
awesome to paint on.
I love pelicans.
And Mother Nature
Watching you.
Are you painting?
Or doing whatever art you love?
For more Haiku please visit
and participate with writers
of other Haiku
and nature lovers
Note:  To other bird lovers.
If you have not seen the series "Earthflight"
on PBS
catch the reruns


  1. I love where your creative muse takes you and that you share this with us!! Yes, I too shall bow to the creative queen of nature and the beauty she bestows upon us if we will but stop. Listen. And marvel at the beauty all around and within us.

  2. Your Pelicans and their reflection in the water are amazing Judie. Love the idea of up-cycling old wooden fence pickets.....and the Mother nature's paintbrush haiku is right on. With love.

  3. Wow, these are great birds Judie. Just awesome. You've done a beautiful job with the reflections. Just wonderful. Thanks Judie. Good to see you. Yes, you had the right blog of Anne's. I do have a link to her blog at the bottom of page. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. divine haiku and beautiful nature art work ~ blessed by your words and art ~ thanks, carol ^_^

  5. so much love shinning through each brush stroke. gorgeous!

  6. This is a beautiful haiku...

    I am here.. http://rameshsood.blogspot.in/2013/10/a-thin-line-divide-haiku.html


  7. Ahhh just lovely! I'm so delighted that you wrote "Mother Nature's paint brush." Such power and beauty there.


  8. I love nature and these words are so amazing:)

  9. You've brought Mother Natures' painting to life - and inside to share with us. Love those pelicans.

  10. Thanks for sharing your brush strokes with us too!

  11. Wow Judie - those pelicans are stunning. Pelicans are so unique in the bird world aren't they- so very unusual when you consider those beaks - the diversity of animal and bird life never ceases to amaze me.

  12. These pelican paintings are so incredibly beautiful - what wise looking birds they are - like the proverbial wise men!


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.