
Dia de los Muertos.....

.....and Haiku My Heart Friday

We celebrate now
Those who have gone beyond earth
They have found their peace
A couple of years ago I had never heard of the Mexican holiday Day of the Dead.
And I had never heard of a sugar skull.
My friend Terri who lost her life to breast cancer last year, painted a sugar skull for me.
To recognize this holiday, November 1 and 2,
and in honor of Terri (NINNIE'S BLOG)
and all others lost to us on this earth
I post this awesome sugar skull,
a piece of art I treasure

and her note on the back
also a treasure
Love you too, Ms. Ninnie
Please visit REBECCA
for more Haiku


  1. Oh Ninnie is missed. It saddens me to think of the friends we've lost on blog land. She is thought about and how wonderful that you hold in your hands her work. Nice post Judie. Take care and have a great weekend.

  2. Judie, what a beautiful honouring and solace you offer here - i also never really understood this festival till i joined blogland and now attending one on your continent is on my wish list!

  3. a real picture of continued friendship, i had read of 'Dia de los muertos'; but i've read about sugar skulls

    thanks for stopping over t my blog

    much love...

  4. What a wonderful and loving post and your haiku is dear ~ Love the sugar skull painting your dear departed friend did for you ~ happy weekend to you and thanks for visiting ~ carol, xx

  5. How beautiful a memory, and leaving something behind for you. That's exactly why we do it at Spadoville. Our altar stays up all year. The bits and pieces of the personal stuff gets packed away from year to year, but the art stays. It's like a roadside grotto that you would see on the side of the road down in New Mexico, only it's in our living room.
    I love your haiku and the story behind it. The spirits that went home come to visit now and we enjoy them once again.


  6. Thank you Judie for sharing this lovely art and remembrance of your friend with us. I join you in celebrating her and the others we have loved who have gone before us, lighting our path in life, this precious life. My best to you.

  7. what a marvelous art for this day of remembering our dead! love your haiku very much!

  8. Beautiful remembrance of Ninnie. I think of her often...especially lately because of Halloween her favorite holiday and Day of Dead. Unfortunately I had to go out of town and was not able to fully participate in blog land festivities. xxx

  9. What a lovely painting and such a sweet friend Terri. I've never heard of sugar skulls before but I'm glad you featured it.



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