
Beautiful Art

Detail of The Virgin
drawn by Leonardo Da Vinci,
 a charcoal with white drawing
on brown paper 
for the painting of
the Virgin with St. Anne, the infant, and
the child St. John
work done 1499-1501
Read more about this study HERE
More of the 12 days at


  1. Breathtaking, Da Vinci has made this virgin's face so expressive, but that's why he is a legend. No one has or probably ever will create art the way he did.

  2. I love that at first glance, I could see that it was a work of Da Vinci. But I wouldn't have know, but for you, that this was from the drafts for the Virgin of the Rocks. Thank you Judie, it is a beautiful piece indeed.

  3. Leonardo certain knew how to capture the essence of the holy, human spirit, didn't he?

    Three Virtues

  4. Exquisite in the simplicity and elegance of the lines.

  5. magnificent glimmer of a smile on Our Lady! Da Vinci certainly was gifted.

  6. Love this one of my favorites. <3


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