
Sunday Thoughts

A resident of my neighborhood.
A wood stork.
He and his friends are always walking down the road.
It seems he should be carrying a briefcase maybe.
They stand in the road and look at you,
willing you to drive around them because they  wont move.
And they walk soooooooooo slow.
Nevertheless, I love every one of them.
The house is not mine, but a neighbor.
His friends, the white ibis,
are the one's who visit my yard
in groups
to pick for the chemical-free bugs.
internet photo
Isn't Mother Nature awesome?


  1. Ah... cheeky winged friends. Love their pink beaks.

  2. Hi Judie. Awesome and it would be breat if you would paint it with a briefcase. tee hee. Have a great Sunday.

  3. Mmmm...chemical-free bugs are the only kind I eat!
    I love Gloria's idea for a painting ☺
    These are great pictures Judie ♥ ♥ ♥

  4. Oh yes! A painting of a stork carrying a briefcase. That'd be CUTE!
    Love urban wildlife. It is amazing to see how they survive in
    different habitats.

  5. The wood stork looks so elegant...and a briefcase would only enhance that. I hope you do paint it as was suggested here.

    Love your bird painting on your header.

  6. I love the idea of the painting. It's as though they walk the neighborhood looking for gardening and curb appeal inspiration. SGTV - Stork and Garden. ;)


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