
Haiku - my beachy heart

White fog rolls inland
pushed by wind from a grey sea
wet stringy hair now

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for more delicious Haiku

Time flies by and I don't seem to have much for posting lately,
 but did make this memory link chain
for our little lost Kara.  

It has beads and charms wired to a recycled jewelry chain link, and small
laminated memory photos of many smiles
and fav characters, i.e. Barney
with a short love message written on the back of each.
It will hang at her resting place in LasVegas for awhile.

I know some of you are having cold and snow, but here in Florida it's like 70!
You can even see the sun if you squint through the fog.  
Happy Day!


  1. Lovely nature haiku ~ can feel the fog wrapping around me ~ Lovely creation you have made with love!

    Happy Weekend to you!
    artmusedog and carol
    A Creative Harbor

  2. Ah, what we desert dwellers would give for some wet stringy hair right now! Enjoy your weekend!

    Pond Spirits

  3. This is beautiful Judie. Hope you are doing well. Take care. Very nice Haiku.

  4. Dear Judie, your haiku took me right outdoors and I'm expecting my hair to feel damp if I put my fingers to it! The memory link chain is so full of love. What a special creation you have made.

  5. Haiku and memory chain filled with such feeling, it comes straight to the heart. x

  6. I love a foggy beach and don't mind the stingy hair at all.

  7. We are warm here in Az. as well. The difference is my hair is dry and stringy.
    Sending my love to you and yours. xx

  8. It's hot and rainy here in Trinidad, enjoyed your haiku, have a nice weekend

    Much love...

  9. May there be some mysterious message in that mist that you alone can decipher!

    Late Haiku My Heart

  10. oh, how hard memories and certain anniversaries can be Judie.
    you seem to handle it so well,
    but i know...the memorial chain is glorious,
    and sad too.
    PS: beautiful haiku too


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