
Haiku my Heart - Holidaze

Season of the Heart
Feel excitement in the air
Kids eyes will sparkle

The "Holidaze" will have come and gone by our next Haiku date.
The hustle and bustle and excitement and yes, even stress, will be over.
Santa will have zipped through the sky bringing much happiness to many small hearts.
Candles will be lit, gifts exchanged, love given freely by those who have -  to those who have not. 
Those hours of  holiday smiles and love are wonderful. 

Throughout this time I will also be remembering those mothers who may not be feeling all this excitement, those mothers who have lost a child. Their heart may hurt, perhaps just momentarily, wishing for and remembering that eye sparkle they will never see again.  Because no matter how hard a mother tries to put it all behind, it is always there, that crack in the heart. 

Do not let these words put a damper on your holiday spirit.  Instead, say a prayer for those mothers who experience a twinge of sadness among all the glitz and glamour.  There are many...and many. 
They are mothers we know here on our blogs and websites.
They are relatives and friends.
They are on the news every day.
Even Mary was one. 

I say this as an explanation for the collage art I created below.
As I worked, this picture just came out of nowhere
and put itself together in my mind as I  drew and cut and pasted
seemingly without rhyme or reason.

  A heart filled with love is so vulnerable...and so good.

The Birth and Death of a Mother's Heart
acrylic, watercolor pencils, cut up old art, angelina fibers

Do something awesome today.
It will make you feel wonderful.

And please....click here to visit REBECCA
who links our hearts together on Haiku Friday.
Thank you Rebecca.

Love and happiness to you all.......whatever holiday you celebrate. 



  1. Lovely haiku. I particularly like the picture. It drew me in and took me there. It calls one to reflection!! Thank you and Merry Christmas! Cathy

  2. love how the 'kids eyes will sparkle' ~ wonderful and haiku and very creative painting ~ love it!

    Happy Holidays,
    artmusedog and carol

  3. Dear Judie, Thank you for this haiku sparkle and for your words and art making to offer prayers for those who do not have that sparkle for such great loss. May we all be kinder and more gentle with each other, now and throughout the new year. Thank you for these gifts.

  4. Judie, I don't know if my prayers help ease the pain at all but I do have a prayer in my heart for you and for all who have suffered such a loss. LOVE you.

  5. dearest judie,
    your words, so straight from a knowing heart, have filled me in the deepest way. thank you for having us take pause. there is happiness and the joy of giving in this season and there is also immeasurable longing for those we love who are no longer among us. i join you in holding everyone in love, light and comfort. holding you close too dear friend. xo

  6. You have shown us a deeply moving painting, Judie. Mary definitely knew her babies fate and she stayed there, all the way. Merry Christmas. Wishing a happy time and a better fate for all the children of the world.

  7. there are so many who have pain this time of year...sending love and light

  8. Happy Holidays to you too Amiga. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your words are so true and you and I know it's truth. Thinking of you. Beautiful Haiku.


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.