
Haiku my Heart ---Halloween Haiku

children in costume
ringing doorbells everywhere
begging for sweet treats

linked with love to
please visit for
peaceful and beautiful
haiku links


And now, as promised,
a brief Halloween story.  It isn't scary.  It isn't bloody.  But I do hope you will be slightly rattled, unsettled, nauseated, repulsed,
and perhaps
you can find some bit of Halloween Humor
and a little cackle or two. 

In the dim light, the long narrow box on the table sits with closed lid, not revealing the magical treasures inside. Treasures that will help me fulfill every need, all wants, each single thought that has consumed most waking, and sleeping, moments of my life.
Since I first saw his tall, narrow frame, heard his dull, monotone voice, understood his malevolent ways, I have wanted him. Wanted him so fiercely that nothing could compare with my obsession.  I abandoned all else in my quest  to make him mine. We are so much alike.  Our wants are parallel  and our needs are filled with the fires of the obscene.
Mentally and emotionally, I have been getting closer; watched with joy when his mother  finally met her fate,  no longer able to wreak havoc in his life. What good was she anyway?  Always clinging, enticing him to expand on his already vile thoughts. He and I should have been expanding together. Oh, such evil we can make between us. What poison we will be in sync.  The hot love in my heart (and loins) can now be his.  I have made my way through the webs and mazes of life, hidden in shadow, and now I am close enough to smell his warm, metallic, vile, thick odor. 
Tonight, the box on the table is ready to be opened. I have filled the darkened room with red candlelight, and one by one I take out the cache of spell makers I have been hoarding for so long:  a coarse hair from a pig nostril, a dried wart from a rattlesnake skin, a ground leaf from the poison manchineel tree, a partially decayed tooth from his dead mother’s jaw (don’t ask how I obtained that), and the bottle of slime from the edge of a swampy, parasite infested  pond. I mix this with the grainy sulpher from a matchstick and drink it in one gulp, as I chant  the sacred words of the binding love spell:

Ompf  inuwargon
Cranr  luvtor

And whisper his name twenty and four times in twelve groups of two:

Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates
Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates

Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates
Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates

Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates
Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates     Norman Bates

And now, I am drained and exhausted. (ok, mostly from typing that twenty-four times)  But when the red morning sky lights the faded neon outlining his paint-chipped grey, leaning house on the hill, he will know then he is now mine!



Linked with HORROR to

Please visit there for more
Halloween fun

** my love
**internet photo

Be safe.  Muah ha ha ha


  1. Oh I do love me a creepy love story mwahahahaha....:D XXX

  2. I had guessed Norman Bates was the object of her affection! Well it was either that or Jason Vorhees. His mom tried to cut things up for him, but he grew up to handle a machete well enough on his own.

  3. This is gruesome gone wild (and slightly toothy). Oh, my dear gods, scary and funny are one of the combinations out there. I really like that she tells not to ask how she obtain her biting ingredient. Hysterically creepy. And not to be read before eating.

  4. This is so deliciously dark and eerie!!

  5. This is so creepy and scary!! I love it!!!! Big Hugs!

  6. Powerful and spooky..a wonderfully dark journey !I loved visiting your realm! Love the art as well...so expressive and full of energy! Wonderful!

  7. What a fun haiku and spooky painting ~ fun and creative! ^_^

    Love and light,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. oh boy, i think i might have nightmares tonight! :-)
    love your story

  9. I wanted to thank you for the beautiful comment on my blog! It's a pleasure to meet a fellow crow lover! Big Hugs!

  10. Oh my......I love this, but then I am of the same ilk as most of the gatherers here at Magaly's bidding. Love to read you. xoxo Oma Linda

  11. This is one creepy but beautiful story. How do I keep nightmares at bay! :-)

  12. Who wouldn't love Norman?! :D

    My favourite line: "a partially decayed tooth from his dead mother’s jaw (don’t ask how I obtained that)"

  13. Yikes, guess it's nightmares for me tonight. Oh well, I've got lots of chocolate on hand to keep me company during the sleepless hours.
    Love the painting on your header--beautiful work!

  14. Actually, I found this quite scary, as well as witty and wry. A perfect Halloween mood, when a holiday for kids becomes soooo much more...vile. *shares evil laugh*

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


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