
Haiku my Heart - Twelve Days of Mary

icy clouds floating
puffed like winter's first white frost
do flying birds know?

I believe....that Mary looks out for all of natures creatures, not just humans.  And with the unexpected death of parent birds, she has the power to find another to take their place. It does sometimes happen in the bird world. 

The Gift ... acrylic

Poem:  Death of a Raven

among dark leaves
he crouches low - unsteady -

talons cling tightly

and black beady eye peers downward

his raven shadow on rock below

spreads in moonlight glare

umbrae rivulets quickly flow
and he wonders – just briefly

if that chip in the rock

reflects the jagged slice

a predator tore in his sleeping heart

liinked with
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A very special Mary blessing
sent in spirit to 
who blessed my life
with her beautiful art
and thoughts.


  1. dearest judy,
    i love that you hold a healing light for all things small and beautiful mary love and birds in need-so perfect and full of hope!
    happy to welcome december and a shared out pouring of mary love! xo

  2. Sometimes (but not always) I'm certain that birds know more than we bumbling humans do!

  3. Your haiku, painting, and raven poem are incredible. As is your care and tenderness to life so fragile.

  4. Yes. LOVE your beautiful heart dear Judie. Thankful for the grace that Mary brings to all of us living on this planet.

  5. A nest full of babies, held in gentle hands--how appropriate for this season!

  6. I love this idea of reparenting a baby bird. Opportunities are abundant here.

  7. Gorgeous painting and love the crow and babies ~ Xox

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. I love the idea of Mary taking care of all living things, anything else makes no sense to me--divine love that chooses a creature over another is... incomprehensible.

  9. So beautiful! This really touched my heart and soul! Thank you! Gorgeous painting! Big Hugs!


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.