
Mornings With Mary


  1. Wonderful finding you here this morning Judie and
    sharing these spiritual moments with you. namaste

  2. dear judie,
    so lovely to have you here sharing your lovely mary and your beautiful heart!

  3. A blessed week with Mary to you! love your drawing - it has so much heart!

  4. Lovely painting, Judie. Thanks for your "double" comments. I only published one. Wish I could paint Mary with the love you show here.xx

  5. So Happy to see one of your portraits Judie!
    They always make me feel happy,
    you have so much goodness inside you,
    it just seems to spill all over your artwork♥♥

  6. Hi Judie. I always love your work. Lots of feeling in it. You always leave such nice comments at my blog and I want to thank you for that. They make my day. Seven leaf petals? Really? Why I didn't know that. tee hee. been there, done that.:) Sometimes I wish....never mind. :)

  7. Love the jaunty little halo. She has spunk and spirit.


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.