
Mornings With Mary - Reaching Within

Mary Magdelene at the foot of the Cross
Church of the Holy Sepulcher
Oil on Panel by Peter Adams
Mary makes for awesome art!
Even though I am not a religious person,
no other subject can bring forth the emotions
and feelings of love as this Mother does.
No other subject makes me yearn
to be able to be paint Mary as
beautiful as others do,
As beautiful as she is.
No other painted subject
fills my soul with peace,
even if it is momentary.
...."for behold from henceforth
all generations shall call me blessed"...
And it is so.
Please say a prayer today on this Memorial Day for those who have been lost
and for those who still serve our country.
God bless them, and God bless America.
Linked with love to:


  1. A glorious painting!! I like Thomas Moore's view of religion : that it is not the worshipping in a Church or the following of dogma, but that each soul has its own religion and its own way of connecting to its Source. “The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.”
    ― Thomas Moore

    1. Amen, Hettienne. I totally agree. Thanks for visiting.

  2. That is a beautiful painting. I often find myself painting Mary. Usually it starts with a long curving line then before I know it there's a head covering and robes and her face emerges.
    That has been going on for a long time. You probably know this after seeing my drawings for years. Like your post title says "reaching within" and then coming out with a feeling of peace.

  3. dear judie,
    i share your feelings so strongly. i am drawn to the paintings, shrines, retablos, bultos, sculptures, that have been created over the ages from all cultures. the embodiment of love and compassion an artist infuses into their depictions of mary immediately call on me to love more purely, to move through the world with compassion, to see everyone through the eyes of a mother's love.
    thanks for being here sharing you warmth and kindness.

  4. This is a wonderful painting. I love the Strength Of Mary, in this rendition. I love that it shows her as a real presence!

  5. I am confused...the painting is of Mary Magdalene, but your writing is about our blessed Mother?

    1. Nonnie: Sorry for your confusion. The painting is posted simply because it is a beautiful piece of fine art, no matter which "Mary" it is. The writing is about my desire to be able to paint such lovliness. Thanks for visiting. :) judie

  6. This is a wonderful painting and your feelings are felt widely. Thank you for accepting the invite. I appreciate it. I'm sure if you painted Mary, it would be awesome work Judie. Take care of yourself and be happy.

  7. I love both Marys. Was in The Louvre last September and all I wanted to see was Da Vinci's Madonna of the Rocks. Fills me with love and peace as well.

  8. dear judie,
    i forgot to answer your question at recuerda mi corazon, yes, this is one of my shrines. it is 6 1/2 " tall and 5 " wide. the shrine "box" itself is an inch deep allowing for lots of layering and dimension. there is a glass front and the sides are adorned with decorative solder so that it appears to be a vintage (patina to age) hand hammered metal box. thanks for your kind words.

  9. Judie, very beautiful painting and I can so identify with your feelings for Mary. Though I practice religion (former Catholic, now Episcopal), my affection for Mary goes beyond the story.

  10. What a beautiful painting. She looks clothed in night with the light emerging behind her.


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