
Mornings With Mary

Please link with other Mary love


Most Blessed of Women

Once an ordinary young girl

A faithful servant of God


Gentle of spirit


In her day

Women were good

An unwed mother

Would have meant shame and disgrace

She must have suffered with that


And then – to lose her child

To watch him die a terrible death

Not able to help him

The child of her womb


The life and light in his eyes extinguished

Like the wind blows away the candle’s flame

Imagine the great pain and suffering she felt


And when he was returned to her

I know, I know, her grateful heart cried with joy

Overflowing with love



Loved even today by all faiths

By men and women alike

She brings comfort and hope to many

If you just let her into your heart


Most Blessed of Women
Today, if even for just a few moments, let us ask Mary to watch over the souls of those 19 brave Arizona firefighters, lost protecting their community.

AP Photo 


  1. Good morning Judie....Thank you so much for your beautiful Mary, your lovely words and the prayers for the Az. firefighters. Praying for Mary's grace to comfort those who lost loved ones and all others affected by this fire.

  2. I love what Gemma said and I echo
    her praise and her prayers.
    Your Mary is love-ly like a
    stained glass window,
    and your thoughts on Mary...
    straight from your heart
    to mine. ♥♥

  3. Hail, Mary, full of Grace! Amen!

  4. dear one,

    due to the devastating tragedy in our home town i am honoring those brave souls who lost their lives working diligently to protect others. i invite you to link this beautiful offering next week when i will open my blog again to mornings with mary.
    today is a time for prayers and tears.
    thank you for understanding the enormity of our loss.

  5. She's a beautiful painting.

    What a tragedy...all those young firefighters gone in one horrible day.

  6. I had goosebumps reading your essay and her love is tangible and made real in our physical world through your offering - may those families feel her comfort

  7. I appreciate the softened palate you used portraying Mary. I hope Mary's love and equal suffering (and yours) endured can bring some solace to the families of the firefighters.


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.