
Haiku My Heart - A gift of nature

Small circles of rain
Twirl on my misted window
Another wet day
Source: freefever wallpaper
Please wander over to
and link to more haiku.
From yesterday's post
I again link to the
because it is such an
with so many
wonderful, positive
thoughts and feelings from
It's good to know the world
has these people in it.
It's nice to know that someone
like Laura
takes the time to do this.


  1. Beautiful Judie… thanks for sharing the link to the Gratitude Quilt, that is so kind.

  2. oh! we had some wet ones this week; have a nice Friday

    much love...

  3. Just imagine how it would be if you could neither feel nor see nor smell nor hear the rain! ;)

    (Wet days aren't forever!)

  4. dear judie,
    i always feel so much love from your heart when i visit, rain or shine!

  5. Beautiful rainy day photo and lovely haiku ~ thanks, Happy Weekend to you ~ thanks,
    carol, xxx

  6. Hi Judie. Hope your THX day was great. Very nice post. I too linked to the Gratitude Quilt a week or so ago. Great Haiku.

  7. dear judie,
    today marks December first and the beginning of my most favorite 12 posts of the year. as the days grow shorter and colder it is the warmth of sharing each day beginning with honoring the light of mother love in us all that truly warms hearts.
    i hope you will join in the mary love!

  8. I loved the photograph and the words that go with it
    You asked about Jane Kean--"Trixie"...I met her many times over the years---she was a good friend of Betty G's....They belonged to a group called "The Show Buddies"---these were all old 'dames' who worked on the stage on Broadway and in TV and films who would get together once a month and sit around telling jokes and eating good food at each others homes....They Had A Ball!!! I was a Visitor once in a while at these fun afternoons----and I saw Jane at many other places too, over the years. She was a dear dear fun woman and a very very nice woman, too....! There is practically no one left now of all those great gals....Maybe there are two out of about 15.....So very sad. Life---it is just so hard sometimes, isn't it?


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.