
Mornings With Mary

Although I will still visit Mary Mornings participants through
this will probably be my last Mary post
for awhile
since I cannot participate with everyone else
through Mr. Linky's widget.
Mr. Linky techs tell me they are working
on the problem with IE10.
it has now been three weeks with no results.
And I am disappointed.
It used to work with IE
but suddenly stopped
They have suggested I change browsers
IE is my choice
has been for so very many years

acrylic on wood, with gems
...... is going to the park to be placed
against a tree
in the shade
with an anonymous note
written on the back
to take her if you need her comfort
and if comfort is found
to pay it forward
Go safely


  1. sorry to hear Mr. Linky is causing problems! Sylvia from Over the Hill is experiencing the same problem on James' blog.
    what a generous and kind "pay it forward" gift for someone!

  2. Judie this is wonderful! The fact that you are giving it away is amazing. She is beautiful and I know Rebecca would love to see it too. Since I also have foxfire I will link it for you using your name & SansSouci blog address. I can't link with Explorer either.

  3. Hope to still see you at Mornings with Mary!! Will pop in on Mondays to see if you are here :D. A lovely pay it forward!

  4. Hi Judie. That is beautiful and the person that takes it home with them will be a lucky person. How wonderful of you. Was that you this morning knocking on my door? In regards to your comment this morning on my food post. tee hee. Have a great day amiga. Take care.

  5. Know that you are with us and Our Lady will straighten it all out ~ lots of hugs and prayers ~ carol, xxx

  6. dear judie,
    i have been away as you know. so sorry for your challenges with mr. linky. i would be honored and happy to log you in any time you would like to participate. haiku my heart, mornings with mary, postcards from paradise, simple send me an email with your link and i will happily log you right in!
    a huge thank you to gemma for doing just this for you today. i am so moved with your beautiful offering, your jeweled madonna, your generous heart. truly you blessed and uplifted my day by placing such a heartfelt offering of compassion in the world to be shared and travel where she will.

  7. She is a jewel indeed...and I hope you find a way, always, to link through Gemma! ;)

    Leaning into Grace

  8. That is a beautiful thought to leave it in the park for someone to find! Very generous of you!

  9. Have you gone back to see if the Mary has gone to a new home? My school supported IE until recently; the ITs say it simply is an outdated browser. I use several others, but my favorite is Chrome, with Safari and Firefox next. You could post your link, after you make it live on your site, to one of us and we could post it for you. I wouldn't mind doing that.

    Thanks for visiting Sacred Ordinary when you can Judie, even when I haven't posted anything to Rebecca's challenges. I appreciate it.


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.