
Friday Haiku, and Blue Art with Free Verse Poetry

Butterfly landed
Its small wings pumping gently
New baby drying
CLICK HERE to visit
Rebecca and others
for more Haiku
acrylic on paper
The Color of Blue

“Is that a raven perched so low on your shoulder, child?” I asked.
“No, Mother”, I answered. “It is only the dark angel resting for a moment.”
And so I sat, in front of the flames of the fireplace,
its opening a portal to another plane.
  Through an open doorway I watched the sun bake the hot sand outside,
my face feeling the heat of withering grass
 as it turned so quickly before my eyes from bluegreen to crackly brown.
“Come in, child” I said at last.
“Come in out of the charring heat of the burning sun
and sit with me by the fire.
We will reminisce sweet days gone by.”
I glanced at the fireplace portal,
noticing the icicles forming from within the darkness of my chimney hole heart.
“But no, Mother”, I answered myself.
“The door is closing and I will not reach it before it latches."
And I knew the raven wings of the dark angel would spread
 like a barrier of time,
and hide the door that never existed.


  1. Beautiful and creative header along with elegant haiku and poetry for HMH ~ thanks, xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Love the story and the haiku Judi. They are both very deep and moving. Your 'blue woman' is lovely as well.

  3. I feel you Judie. It is so evident that you compose and paint from your passionate heart. Sending you all of my LOVE.

  4. LOVE your Header painting.....I know I'm in the minority of this world, but I do not understand Haiku.....I just don't get the whole concept of it......
    The story is deep and really makes me think in a deeper way about life and the fragility of it all......Lovely and haunting, Judie.

  5. Beautiful haiku, it so captures this time of year. Your story... is amazing. I will be thinking on it all day... thank you Judie!

  6. Who would have thought that a butterfly's wings could dry a baby? Lovely!

  7. I love the memory/image you sparked in me with your haiku! In my classroom one year, I had a closed netting hanging with butterfly chrysalises. What a joy when the butterflies burst out!

  8. Enjoyed your story Judie and loved your Haiku and beautiful piece. I always believe that when a monarch comes in my yard, it is the soul of loved ones gone. I treasure those moments. Have a wonderful weekend Judie. It's a torch out this way right now.

  9. What an abundance of talent you have shared with us in this post, thank you!

  10. You never cease to amaze me with your talents. Powerful words in your story. And the painting of the woman is beautiful. She looks very contemplative.

  11. especially apropo for me this week. Delicate babies are strong on our mind with the birth of our 32 week grandson.

  12. Luv the baby drying, nice haiku, have a nice Sunday

    Much love...

  13. dearest judie,
    when you open your heart through poetry, story telling, painting and remembering; you open parts in all of us that seek the light. separation is a dark wing on a heavy shoulder. and in glimmering moments it is also the strengthening of light. you soften and strengthen me all at once and for that i am sincerely grateful.


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.