
Haiku my Heart - forest color

try to imagine
the beauty in flight of the
resplendent quetzal

source offthebeatenpath.com

source Utube

just loving the
beauty of Mother
Nature's gift of
beautiful birds 
and birdsong

linked with
recuerda mi corazon
come and join the love
of haiku
and leave your own

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  1. Dear Judie, it is not hard to imagine with your haiku, and the photo and video! What an incredible bird! I love how he turns and looks right at us! (P.S. I gave the ladybugs the blessing meaning, I don't think that's usual.)

  2. Indeed! Lovely 'feathered friends' haiku and photos ~ awesome!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. I'm not sure I can imagine such a splendid sight!

  4. She is the best at celebrating colors and shapes and textures, and your words are fantastic at pointing us towards her best expressions. This is wonderful!

  5. Awesome are the birds, gift of nature

    Have a nice Sunday Judie

    much love...

  6. Magnificent! So beautiful!!! Thank you for the haiku! Big Hugs!

  7. Mother Nature can be so wonderful.
    Loved the photograph, the video and your Haiku.

    All the best Jan

  8. This reminds me of our trip to Costa Rica this past spring. We got to see this magnificent bird several times. Lovely memories.

  9. extraordinary, this bird of paradise!


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