
Haiku my Heart - Silent Night

white chrysanthemums
glowing in misty moonlight
birds sleeping in trees

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and join in the love and light

Image result for sleeping bird free clipart

***source dreamstime.com


  1. Beautifully said. Quiet tranquility! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. I can't tell which is the real moon, the flowers or the flower in the sky... but I love that the birds sleep regardless. Love this Judie! Thank you!

  3. Misty moonlight is the most beautiful light... thanks for the haiku! Love from Holland

  4. I love to walk in the garden at night, especially during a full moon. She seems to bring everything alive while making all cozy.

  5. Divine picture painted with your lovely haiku ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. One of the reasons I don't complain too much about night walks with my dog, is that night offers its own distinct view of beauty. Your haiku is a lovely reminder to appreciate it.

  7. So beautiful! I hope you are well my friend! Big Hugs!

  8. Lovely words in your haiku. The image in my mind from those words is a peaceful one.

    All the best Jan

  9. just the peace and healing light of being here-thank you!


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