
Haiku my Heart - Sign of the Times

the day before now
i went to the market place
the shelves were all bare

How strange it seems, to go to purchase normal, everyday grocery items and find none, day after day. Fear is taking hold of people and they hoard for themselves, their families. Even though the talking heads (who really need to just shut up and give us bare facts alone) tell us there is no shortage. There is plenty of food, plenty of paper, other supplies. It's just demand has outdone the supply chain. Fear has become the ruler. Be patient my friends, it will get there. Unfortunately, this medical crisis has shown me that human nature is really a bit selfish and uncaring about anyone but self. Instinctive, I suppose. Leftover from our beginnings. Not all of us, for absolute sure. But many. Too many. And the stories that abound on social media, carried from place to place, a bit of untruth or assumption added to each telling, only serve to fuel the fears. 
Sigh......I have no answers. 

Connected as always on Friday with
Send prayers. Lots of them. 

Many Blessings to You and Your Loved Ones.
And to the World. Blessings and Love are needed right now.


  1. Your haiku reads almost like the Old Mother Hubbard nursery rhyme: "..but when she got there, the cupboard was bare... " May people all over the world soon come to their senses and QUIT HOARDING! We are all in this together---and we all need toilet paper. :)

  2. Lovely haiku for the difficult times ~ Yes ~ many people are 'showing their true colors ~ sad ~ sigh .

    Keep Calm and Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. dear sweet friend, thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. i am regaining my strength and settling into my advised shelter in place due to my genetic disease whose weakest link is respiratory failure. staying positive and sending out prayers for everyone and this beautiful world we share. stay safe my friend! xoxo

  4. I hear you Judie... now, it is about holding it all... the fear and the small kindnesses... more than I ever imagined. And if you were here... I would share my eggs, toilet paper, and the veggies growing in my garden...

    1. ummmm... your own clean roll of toilet paper... I hope you will excuse my twisted sense of humor right now... most likely my own internal mass hysteria... I hope it makes you laugh, it did me.

  5. Sadly your haiku was (and is) true here too.
    I often despair about rather a lot of our species.

  6. And some are still bare here. Soon all will be well, that is my hope!! Have a grand weekend!

  7. A little insanity has crept into our lives along with this virus. The same holds true here but it seems all is settling down some what. Watching how the virus is slowly creeping into our area.

  8. The selfishness is real, no question. But I see sprouts of hope at neighbors doing shopping for neighbors who really can't be out right now. At people organizing to donate or make supplies for those who are fighting this disease on the front lines. At people being friendlier and kinder to those who are alone and taking time to check in on them. At group chats with family members singing Happy Birthday over video conference.

    There are many reasons to be rightfully angry. And yes, I am pretty damn angry about a lot. But I try to remember there are reasons to hope too.

  9. The world is showing a lot of ugly at the moment, but there is also goodness. I wonder if things would bee a tad better, easier to live through, if we shared more of the good with each other--even if the good is just a bright bird caring for her eggs, or a neighbor bringing the mail for another so that the latter (whose immune system is shite) doesn't have to risk exposure...

  10. OMG hope you were able to get some things
    happy Sunday

    My posts today are

    much love...

  11. There are no answers... it is what it is and we have to get through it - there are indeed a lot of selfish people but a lot of lovely, sweet and caring ones too - I live in the Netherlands and I have the feeling we get the right facts and 'orders' from our government... and I'm glad to have a bunch of online friends to 'hang out with'. I hope you are healthy, stay safe dear one!

  12. We are all in this together and some people are pulling together far more than others.
    Sad but true!
    Hoping things will settle down more soon.

    Stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan

  13. Fear and acts of selflessness coexisting in these uncertain times. Stay safe and well.

  14. We have to keep spreading love!
    It is crazy about the stores! We have to be shopping by 7:00am, to get what we really want, like toilet paper! But, we are doing ok!
    Big Hugs!


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