
Haiku my Heart - The Way It Should Be

spring planting is done
old farmer rests on his porch
the meadow lark sings

I find a bit of peace and solitude in these inked words.
 I hope you do as well.  
How nice it would be to sit on the farmhouse steps
while the old farmer rocks in his chair
and listen to the lark sing
perhaps a bubbling brook nearby
leaves rustling in trees
a gentle breeze
the clink of iced tea
scent of jasmine

linked with
recuerda mi corazon
for haiku friday
please join us



  1. That is truly beautiful.
    I wish. How I wish.

  2. I hear you ~ peaceful moments are so divine ~ lovely haiku ~ love to share an ice tea on the porch with you ~ ^_^

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. The old farmer won't rest long. There's weeding to be done!

  4. Hello, I can picture the peaceful scene, like I was there. Love the haiku!Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend! PS, thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. you have a way with words 'cause reading your post, it's like being there. I feel the breeze, smell the jasmine... thank you dear one!

  6. A lovely restful image full of colour and soul
    Happy Sunday Judie

    much love...

  7. The haiku reads like a breath of fresh air. And your note... well, your note adds sweetness to the breath.

  8. Missed this last week. So sorry.

  9. Having grown up in Kansas, I know how sweetly the meadowlark sings.

  10. hello beautiful one! thank you for this shelter of peace. please stay safe and keep a light in your heart. xo


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.