
Haiku my Heart - Halloween Life

 in the midnight hour
a black raven calls to me
come to the forest


Now, in winter, I follow a path
a fire road carved out of the woods through the trees
winding in and out like a snake seeking food
I feel the cold wind on my back
cutting through my light jacket
 the sharp teeth of winter biting my face

a deep grey sky indicates a pending snowstorm
In the distance, a black crow caws his message to the forest
echoing on the cold, heavy air
He receives no answer to his call

No answer.

 A raven, unexpectedly, has perched upon my shoulder
its blue-black wings tight against its slender, hollow bones
leaning slightly forward, his jet black eye peers into mine
speaking a silent language
warning me
but I cannot hear the silent thoughts

I cannot heed his warning.

 “Why, raven, have you sought me out among all others? 
What message do you bring me?”
but the silent raven only stares
and digs with sharp talons into my coat
the wind moves his feathers in a flapping motion
 as if willing him to fly
yet he clings

He clings.

 “What is the message, raven?” I ask again 
silently, without sound, my lips still
but his eyes, like deep dark pools of swirly muddy water
give only a penetrating stare
the wind increases
the dark bird flies
and I am left to face the coldness of the night alone
 wondering if the raven has stolen my soul

Stolen my soul

Madame Sylvia links with
recuerda my corazon
          where you can find some lovely haiku
and forget  your HALLOWEEN fears

 my paintings acrylic
from a past traveling
journal. Blue moon from


  1. I knew you would have a spooky story for us! And you never fail, dear Judy! Ravens were with me my entire pilgrimage... I think they actually helped me find more of my soul! Great story, haiku and art, I still have chills. Thanks also for your welcome back from my long trek... into the dark forest... XO

  2. Such lovely artwork and haiku is great for Halloween ~

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. I have a HUGE weakness for the raven family and read and admired your images with intense pleasure. Many, many thanks.

  4. spooky haiku and
    a superb Halloween poem
    in sync

    Thanks for dropping by my blog


  5. The call of the uncanny is hard for me to ignore, but there's no guarantee I'll get an answer I like or anyone at all if I listen. Maybe the answer is as simple as understanding there's a call out there to begin with.

  6. I really like how the haiku is like a door into the longer poem. How its ominous tone feeds my curiosity. I found myself thinking, Will she answer the call? Then, when I read that she followed the path, I surprised by what she found (or didn't find). Life and calls and such, are just like that--unpredictable.

  7. A super Haiku for Halloween.

    Have a happy November.

    All the best Jan

  8. We don't have to answer every call that comes to us, especially those that come from creatures that might lead us into danger.

  9. oh my friend and most ardent lover of birds-we share the allure and respect of ravens. i hope you are warm as the storm approaches. i hope you are safe and comforted.

  10. I love your words and I love your paintings! You are amazing! Big Hugs!


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.