
Haiku my Heart - Nightjar


early dawn or dusk
a nighthawk glides wind currents
seeking insect meals


like the whippoorwill and the chuck wills widow, this small brown bird, a member of the nightjar family, is sadly in steep decline due to pesticides, habitat loss, and cat predation.

Copy and paste the link above where you can read about this interesting little bird.  The link will also lead  you to the Macaulay library where you can listen to its call.

linking with love and hope to
recuerda mi corazon



  1. Love the feathered friends theme for haiku and your lovely artwork ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. I am horrified at just how many birds (and other species) are in danger, largely due to our depreciations.
    Thank you so much for featuring this charmer.

  3. I love how you share these amazing birds and their lives. I am deeply saddened by the loss of their natural habitat. After the firestorms here the past three months... all of the song birds fled my garden. The lonely silence was haunting, and not in a good way. The are still not all back. And I miss them with all my heart.

  4. I haven't seen one in quite a while! Of course the trail I used to see them has been closed due to hurricane damage.
    Enjoyed your haiku

  5. The haiku is lovely, and telling of the reality of this wee bird's life. I wonder how difficult the search for food--safe food--is becoming.

    Pollutants are such a curse.

  6. I wish the nighthawk happy and pesticide-free hunting. It'd be a shame to let this little guy and his family pass into the ranks of the dodo.

  7. I've watched the nighthawks here in the desert--fascinating birds!

  8. Very nice Haiku and photographs.

    All the best Jan

  9. What a gorgeous bird! It's so sad, so many are in danger!!! Big Hugs!


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