
Haiku my Heart - Standing In My Doorway

 there goes a lost soul
wandering from place to place
storm clouds overhead

I leave you today with this haiku thought so that you might make  your own story.  There are many roads a wanderer may take.

Enjoy this long holiday weekend,
a time that has such an important meaning. 

 linked with love to
Rebecca's Haiku my Heart
Much love to share if  you visit.


  1. Sadly, the world is full of lost souls wandering...

  2. Thank you. Sadly I agree with the previous comment. There are a lot of lost souls. I hope they all find a safe haven.

  3. It is hard to be lost... and wonderful to be found. Thank you Judie, sending love and blessings to you for this weekend and all that it holds that is dear to our hearts.

  4. These days, the number of loss (everything) seems to increase. Here is to better days!

  5. Its getting scary. Hoping for all these to end.

  6. Reminds me of Robert Frost poetry...the Road not Taken. Well done.

  7. There are a lot of lost souls. We all need to give ourselves Big Hugs and Lots of Love!

  8. Unfortunately there are too many lost souls at the moment ...

    All the best Jan


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