
Haiku my Heart - Food for Thought

 a distant child's cry
hollow echo on the wind
why do you cry, child?

I think with sadness of the future of some of this world's children, especially those who are sent to cross our borders without parents. These parents...how can they leave their children to the ways of the world? There is no way...no way...they don't know of the evils that exist everywhere. And without a parent to protect them, what will  happen to these children? Who are these parents who really think their child will be cared for, each and every one of them, fed and clothed and educated and live a wonderful life?  A few, here and there perhaps, but not all. It just isn't going to happen.  And their future? No doubt  they will just join the ranks of the many children who are already here. Already not cared for. Already sad. 



whose child is that
wandering streets alone at night
illuminated by neon
shadowed by flesh peddlers
with white powder pockets
and dollar sign eyes


whose child is that
shivering miserably in wet blowing wind
who rushes unexpectedly
from the darkest alleyways
carrying the stench of yesterdays garbage
as she passes hurriedly by

 who is…
this child with the thinnest of fabric
covering bone-thin frame
a backpack holding a comb
and a biscuit or two scavenged
from a restaurant back door
her trying-to-be-brave heart
heavy with fright
not able to think or plan
beyond the moment


 this soon-to-be-not-innocent child
seeking a wide doorway
out of the cold rain
a place to curl
and hover for the night
and await dawn, to begin again
her uncertain trek
the learning curve of the streets

 who is
this child’s mother who didn’t care
aunt who didn’t know
neighbor who turned his back
who are those who let this child go adrift
aimless and without guidance

 wars and wars go on
as life moves ahead
talking heads  scramble
for a top spot
walls of banks expand
to hold dollars of wealthy
and super wealthy

 but who
bothers about this wandering street kid
oh     just look beyond
she’ll pass by quickly..
in and out of sight and mind
just another of many

linked with love and hope to
Rebecca's Friday Haiku

Come see the brightness here


Blessings for your weekend and beyond

all poetry and art by the blog author ...............watercolor


  1. I think of those things too. And I also think of those desperate parents who can see no safe future for their children with them and send them/thrust them across the borders with hope in their hearts. Such a dreadful decision to make/to feel that they have to make...

  2. There is much in this world that brings such deep sorrow and poignant beauty in your watercolor and words. 🙏

  3. The world is a sad and scary place to be but also a place of hope and beauty.. thanks for your blogpost. Love from HOlland.

  4. Beautiful painting and so fitting with your sad words of children ~ when will it end ~ historically ~ neverending ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. It is sad that life in certain countries is so horrific that parents feel the only hope is sending their children across the border. Your painting is beautiful.

  6. I cannot begin to imagine the desperation someone must be going through in this situation. It is a great privilege that I will very likely never have to contemplate anything remotely this horrific in my life.

  7. It's all so very sad. I pray, that we live in a world, where this doesn't happen anymore! Love your drawing! Big Hugs!

  8. here in the pre dawn, as the last stars vanish and the sky is filled with the joy of birds singing in the light of a new day-i join you in praying for the most vulnerable among us. may we each find ways of helping and truly making a difference in the lives around us. if everyone opened their hearts in kindness and compassion the current of love and safety would grow around the world. instead of turning away-may we all turn towards each other. xoxo

  9. The parents must be so desperate to send their children ...

    Your watercolour is very good.

    All the best Jan

  10. There are so many cries in the world...children...old people...lonely people...the list goes on and on. May someone hear a cry nearby and respond with compassion.

  11. Sad realities in your poem



Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.