
Haiku my Heart - Summer Storms

 the sea rises high
black thunderheads race toward shore
gulls fly in circles

Did you know.....

Gulls are like a barometer. They can sense the small but significant changes in air pressure that indicate a storm is on its way. They will fly inland to seek shelter. Just before a storm moves in one can sometimes see them flying in tight circles. This is because they are recalibrating their "barometers". As change in air pressure becomes intense, they need to adjust their sense of balance and direction. If they don't, they won't be able to detect new changes in air pressure. Somehow, they make this change by flying in tight circles.  

Gulls, and other birds and animals, are also sensitive to infrasounds, or low pulses of sound humans cannot hear such as precedes earthquakes and large storms.

linked with
Haiku my Heart

photo source pixabay
gull information source sloely.com and sciencing.com (edited)

LOVE your weekend


  1. And still we dismiss gulls (and too many other birds' as bird brained. I wish. How I wish...

  2. The storm is about to unleash itself--watch out!

  3. I never knew this! Oh, what we learn from each other! Great haiku and image, Judie. Thank you, for all of this. And for the love. And for sharing the beginning of our weekends. Love to you too!

  4. Beautiful picture...both your haiku and the photo.

    Very interesting info. I learned much.

  5. That thunderstorm just came this way and yes, indeed, I could tell by the gulls... it's special isn't it?!

  6. I just came back from a vacation in Maine and got to see some gulls in action. LOL, got to see a couple of storms too (it was cold and gloomy the first couple of days!) It was awesome in every sense of the word to observe the sea and the animals who made their home near it.

  7. Nature and her creatures are so incredible. I'm always amazed by how instinctively brilliant other animals are. And here we are, humans, claiming to know more than any other beast.

  8. I like your Haiku and the image you've used.
    Fascinating to read about gulls.

    All the best Jan

  9. I love your poem and picture! That was really interesting reading about gulls! Animals are so smart! Big Hugs!

  10. Love both your haiku and the photo. Beautiful!

  11. I love to see storms coming in, but I do respect their power.


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