
Haiku - The Sacred Wolf

Listen!  From the mist
the winter wolf's howl lingers
on the frozen air.
White Winter Wolf
pastel on Sennelier
for more Haiku
please visit
...from Save America's Wolves......
 " The wolf is a remarkable species that symbolizes all things natural, wild and free. Wolves once reigned atop magnificent and diverse ecosystems across North America, helping to maintain nature’s critical balance on this continent"........... for more information visit



  1. Beautiful haiku and pastel painting ~ so fitting for Winter ~ carol, xxx

  2. Love those lingering wolf calls! And your header is beautiful!

  3. Hi Judie. Wow, your wolf came out wonderful. The Haiku is perfect for your amazing painting. Have a great weekend amiga and thx for the b/wishes. Ah yes, the breat at Red Lobster is awesome.:)

  4. beautiful Judie… I feel the call reverberating in my bones.

  5. Awesome!!! There is passion here. LOVE when a painting makes me feel! Can hear his howl cracking the ice.

  6. So incredibly beautiful Judie... powerful imagery in your pastel and haiku that radiates right to my heart.

  7. Well Judie, I am blown away...he is really, really something.
    And just in time for the Full Moon Wolf on Jan15.
    You are ahead of the game and I am
    following you...
    2 weeks behind.
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  8. Your wolf is fantastic! So beautiful...I just love it.


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