
Haiku My Heart

Winter blah has hit.
Get on down the road winter!
Make room for Spring joy!

If you want to see some awesome artwork check out Rebecca's
on her February 11 post
as well as her lovely VALENTINE TREE HAIKU
Here's the little I've been playing around with in the last month.
Nothing serious.
More Eco Art... 
A fence picket spoonbill
instead of Pelicans
A pastel work-in-progress cat and rose.
I'll work on this in my Friday Open Paint session at the beach.
It will be a black cat.
And I think my LAST cat.  :) 
A small wood picture frame
(one of those $1 deals from Michaels)
I'm thinking Spring here.
This was "busy work"
and I have received the round robin art journal
So I'll be working in that.
It's already awesome though!
Ms. Wee has been giving me a fit.
She was on my shoulder and saw something that upset her and
right in my ear.

This is where she goes when she is bad AND
gets covered up!
She knows when she is bad, too.
Always wants to kiss me when I finally let her out.
Have you ever heard a Macaw scream?
My ear is still ringing.....
Do you think she looks forlorn in that cage?
Don't feel sorry for her.
She plays me.
She is smarter than me!
So...............Be safe, stay warm, and I'll be back.


  1. I think I have been here before!! I LOVE haiku - have a couple posted in my sidebar. I love the challenge of writing them and now you've sent me to the woods!!
    Love your art too - and the color!

  2. Even though you're feeling down, you have delighted me with your art and the tale of Ms. Wee. High pitched voices can send one over the edge. So just like a child in time out, Ms. Wee can turn on the 'woe is me' face too! I wonder which is worse Ms. Wee's scream or my cat digging into me whenever he's startled.

  3. PS, I forgot to say how much I like the frame you got from Michael's; sad for me, no Michael's around here. :(

  4. Wonderful post!!! Indeed, "Winter get on down the road!" Have a grand day! Cathy

  5. Hi Judie. Hope you are doing better. Love your work. Great Haiku. Have a great weekend. Happy Valentines Day.

  6. Spring is around the corner, waiting to shine with its beautiful glow!

  7. my darling judie,
    so lovely to have you back. you have a way of telling stories that are so humorous and inviting! stay warm and believe that spring longs for you as much as you desire her!
    happy day of hearts!

  8. What a lovely collection of photos, the story of your screaming macaw made me smile but I do hope your ear isn't still ringing! I too have had enough of this winter but I am happy to know each day brings us closer to spring!

  9. Lots of beautiful creativity here ~ love the cat pastel ~ enjoy the beach and Happy Valentine's Day ~ great haiku ~ xxx

    carol and artmusedog

  10. * ჱܓ♥ *
    ჱܓ* `•.¸,,•´♥ ჱܓ♥*“Happy St Valentine’s Day

  11. Your header is such beautiful picture of winter, here is just grey, grey, grey, I yearn for the snow scenes to brighten the days...but yes spring is on the way...won't be long, hang on in there. x

  12. Oh I DO FEEL FOR THOSE WHO HAVE TO ENDURE FREEZING TEMPS AND SNOW. Sending warm wishes to you dearest one. xx

  13. Love your haiku, your stories, and your art, Judie. I even posted today at Rebecca's, first time in a long time. Thanks for that link to Everyday Saints as I didn't see that post. I'm enchanted.

  14. Hope you've had a good time away and that your desire for spring is all the more beautiful when you are running barefoot through new green grass!

  15. Thanks for your visit and leading me to you and your beautiful Ms. Wee.

    Haha I love how she says sorry with kisses once she's let out of her naughty room - hope your ear didn't suffer any permanent damage*!*


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.