
Haiku My Heart - Haka Manu

The Bird danced for him
His heart, captured by beauty
finally felt love
Tahaitian Bird Dance
Alcohol Inks on paper
..for your reading pleasure.........
The Legend of Manuhere
Tetiaroa, the bird island, has a very beautiful legend about these splendid animals...
Long time ago, in the village of Tetiaroa lived a young boy named Vaitahi who liked to walk along the beaches of the island. One day he came across a splendid bird which he had never seen.  It had fine and multicolored feathers  more scintillating than the stars.
The boy was dazzled by such beauty, and the bird started to dance in front of the young boy. The beautiful bird landed on one of Vaitahi's shoulders and from that moment they became inseparable.  They played and had fun together in the lagoon.
One day the beautiful bird became ill and was unable to eat or fly, which made it fall into a deep sleep. Everyone in Vaitahi's village tried to save the beautiful bird, which they called Manuhere.  They gave it a leaf-based remedy but it didn't work.  The coconuts and the birds tried to fan him, and the flowers tried to get him to breathe in their perfumes, but still he slept. They asked the goddess of the sea to massage him with a special oil, but still Mauhere did not move. They even asked a visiting ornithologist for help, but he could not.
Dispaired ad discouraged, the villagers sat around the lifeless bird.  Vaitahi was in tears.  They all sang melodies of love and friendship, which went up to the skies all night long.
In the morning when the sun began to rise, Manuhere started to gently move.  He opened his eyes, moved his wings and stood up.  "Manuhere is saved"" everyone shouted.  What a miracle.  Everyone was happy and hugged the beautiful bird. Vaitahi was overjoyed.
Later, when they asked the beautiful bird what had brought him back to life, he explained that it was love, the love which he had felt all around him and which had penetrated his heart and awakened it.
For more haiku pleasure, please visit


  1. lovely haiku ~ beautiful ink sketch and story is divine and love the feather ~ (have one on my blog with a haiku) ~ thanks, xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  2. A life-giving dance! I like that image a lot!

    Frog and Raven

  3. beautiful.. haiku, ink sketch, and the story! :)

  4. now you got my complete attention, i luv a good story , i luv a good haiku, i luv a good sketch, have a wonderful weekend

    much love...

  5. What a lovely story Judie! And I love that alcohol ink art, there is so much movement! I know how tricky it is to paint with those fast disappearing inks! I also love the changes to your blog and your banner art has me packing to set up house right there in the little green one...

  6. a touching story, lovely haiku and exquisite sketch!

  7. So many references to feathers and flight today. The LOVE connection is here
    in your story. xx

  8. To finally feel love is probably the greatest blessing that anyone can receive.

  9. yes...so many thoughts going to light and flight...and embracing love

  10. every thought, every word, every action ...a new chance to love.
    thank you for yours!

  11. Beautiful story, beautiful painting!


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