
Haiku my Heart - Accipitridae

on frozen tundra
a hare spooked by a shadow
swiftly seeks cover

high on a cliff face
three chicks wait expectantly
a sea eagle nest

for more haiku

Against the wind she flew,
Magnificent golden feathers slick against a slender body
Sparkling wings pump in perfect unison
Catching the cold updraft
Lifting her higher and higher into low-hanging clouds.

A glance at glistening snow peaks far below,
Telescopic eyesight searches for dark movement against brilliant white.
Hungry, scanning the panorama carefully,
Remembering the last attempt,
Failed, defeated.
A parent fox too watchful over its baby.

Finally, a shadow.
 A hare traveling swiftly over frozen landscape.
Golden bird angles her body quickly to drift lower,
Down, down, out of the clouds.
Silent glide taking her low over the unaware hare.
Stretching talons, effective swoop.
Making contact.

Powerful wings pump hard as she rises high again
Into the wind.
Talons clutch tightly into hare’s bleeding flesh,
She turns easily toward the distant cliff face
To the nest. 

Go with Grace


  1. The power of your words, the dichotomy of living on this beautiful earth... I am hare. I am eagle. I am snow. I am hare. I am fledglings hungry... I am me, here basking in the dance of life that you share Judy. Thank you.

  2. Amazing skill, writing! I am entirely impressed.

  3. And so it ever is. Our lives will have us play out all the various roles here. We must make the best of the moment, and hope that the next moment to come will be better.

  4. Poignant, powerful, beautiful and true.
    Perspective changes everything - in a heart beat.

  5. What beautifully descriptive poetry. I felt myself sitting in the grass watching in contentment. Happy day to,you.

  6. What a lovely poem. I wish I could sit and watch the sea eagle nest. Take care! Have a happy day!

  7. The amount of tension you were able to pack in the haiku is unbelievable and so effective. I enjoyed the longer piece, too. But the room the haiku leaves to the imagination make them my favorite.

  8. I love your poems, especially the sentence about the hare evokes the image - I can see him run!

  9. Love these snapshots of hares and eaglets!


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.