
Haiku my Heart - Luna

on seventeenth moon
a farmer watches closely
the waning crescent

google photo

It is believed by many farmers that plants producing below ground (root crops) benefit by a waning moon since the gravitational pull of the moon is less, therefore water/moisture stays further below ground.
Farmers know!

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Sweet Life Garden: One potato, two potatoes?


Photo taken during the 1918 influenza pandemic.  The number
of deaths worldwide was at least 50 million with about 675,000
occurring in the United States. 

Don’t  let history repeat. WEAR A MASK!  Its such a simple task.
Protect others as they are protecting you.
source: MiaFarrow IG 

Blessings 😊


  1. Planting by the moon is something I've thought about, but never done. There's probably something to it, but I just take my chances. Ha!

  2. I love this Judie, all of your post, thank you! I too have been wanting to learn how to plant in sync with the earth and moon... and I have my first crop of potatoes growing this year in my garden! They are even flowering right now! I have to idea when to go looking for the new potatoes, however...

  3. moon phases dictate
    plantings and tidal cycles
    mysterious orb

  4. Beautiful.
    I suspect there is a lot of truth to these sadly often discounted traditions.
    Stay safe, stay well.

  5. great haiku, stay safe, that 1918 photo is out of this world

    Happy Friday

    much love...

  6. Your Haiku is great.

    My grandparents planted & harvested by moon phases.

  7. Hello, love the crescent moon and haiku, just beautiful. we are wearing our mask, take care and stay safe! Have a great weekend!

  8. Ah lovely moon haiku ~ and farmer too ^_^

    Live the moment
    with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores

  9. dear friend, i love watching the moon through all her cycles. such a lesson of letting go and letting in. i never imagined we would be experiencing such a health crisis. without leadership and a united approach we are suffering gravely. such a small act of kindness and responsibility-to wear a mask. here in arizona mandates were passed on to mayors. sadly our mayor doesn't want to impose on peoples "rights". i cannot even wrap my head around such senseless reasoning. in arizona-more will die so others can exalt in their "freedom." i can hardly recognize my country anymore. please stay safe my friend. sending you love from afar, xo

  10. I've read a few books about planting and harvesting based on moon cycles. Still, I do better with things that are low-fuss or low-key weeds. My mint is looking super healthy. :D

  11. That moon image you've used is amazing.

    All the best Jan


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