
Haiku my Heart - Word Play

birdsong in my soul
gentle breeze caresses me
walking forest paths

Wind Music

I know you are there
you cannot, although  you may try,
hide your invisible self  from me.

I can feel your touch
your tendrils reaching out tentatively
….In your mild moments….
to gently caress my face.

or, in a fierce instant
whip my hair uncontrollably
defying my attempts to hold it away from you
stinging my face with my own long strands
just to show your power

you attempt to be veiled but I hear your voice
 when you speak in howling rage to frighten and bring fear
and drown out the music of birdsong, and children singing

yet I have heard your music whine in loneliness
when you push through empty space
seeking contact, perhaps a simple wind chime
always on a search

I know you can touch objects
lend them your  incredible strength
cause them to creak and groan
 or just rustle to create an audible voice
for your silent soul

I know too, when you have completed your song
finished your dancing touch
you can disappear, as if you were never here.


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Please visit for more haiku
and delightful written thoughts

sketchbook art

There is no music on earth
 like the sound of birdsong



  1. Emotive, powerful and beautiful.
    Thank you.

  2. Beautiful! It in just so few words kinda describes my way of life...at least I want to think so. Thank you ... so uplifting.

  3. Oh Judie, you just can't know how much I love your haiku and poem... lately, I've been talking to the wind... and you've captured my words as if she carried them to you, or maybe she carried them from you to me...

  4. Oh what a gentle and tender haiku! It's so very freeing! Thank you and have a Happy 4th of July.

  5. Sending you a hug from one soul to another... beautiful haiku and poem! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. I like the contrast between the haiku and the longer piece. It makes me think a little bit about how people and how it takes time to see all the layers of them. The haiku gives a surface look at the wind's softer side, while the longer piece dives into a deeper view. Both are true.

  7. Luv both your haiku and longer wind song poem.
    Happy you dropped by my sumie Sunday today


  8. May birdsong and the song of children always be heard.

  9. arriving here in your tempest of prose- holding you and offering peace. such turbulent times. as the outer world spins out of control we tender souls turn inward hoping for refuge. friend i see you. i feel your loss and your longing. you are not alone. hugs from afar and prayers too. xo

  10. I enjoyed reading your words and lovely art too.

    All the best Jan


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