
Haiku my Heart - Morning


egret flying low
over estuary edge
looking for breakfast

source eu.clipdealer.com
royalty free image

At Sunrise

silently, she glides and swoops
white wings spread
shading shallow water below
better to see small fish

a mile away, high up
two tiny white fluffy chicks quietly wait
the branch-covered nest
offers little protection

             hurry mom...
             a hawk searches!

Happily linking to 
A kind place. Please visit.

go with
heaped upon  you


  1. I found a white, down feather caught in the branches of my keifer lime tree this morning... if almost feels like it has floated there... from your haiku and sunrise musings. Thank you Judie for these gifts.

  2. P.S. I love planting seeds of kindness with you Judie...

  3. So much said in so few words. The search for food and sustenance continues, for humans too. Stay safe, Judie.

  4. Amazing photo with words that tell the story!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Breakfast sometimes doesn't come easily to our feathered friends. We humans, on the other hand, just reach into the cupboard or the fridge, and there's the food.

  6. Elegant and beautiful - like your verse.

  7. being am avid birder myself, this is so special for the day!

  8. I like both your Haiku and sunrise verse.
    My good wishes for the coming weekend.

    All the best Jan

    PS Pleased my tip re blogger helped.

  9. This makes me miss my vacations in Maine, where I could sit back and watch the water birds at work. I think we humans long for the thrill of flight while sometimes forgetting all the work that goes into that bird's survival.

  10. For some reason that low-flying egret reminds me of the words of the old spiritual: "Swing low, sweet chariot..."

  11. your love of birds knows no bounds! egrets frequent the nearby ponds- i love when they fly low enough to cast their huge morning shadows above me as i tend my garden.
    thank you for your haiku blessing so close to my heart!

  12. Such beauty... and a lovely haiku to capture it! Enjoyt your Sunday, hug from the Netherlands.

  13. I love the image and the haiku. And the closing words, too. I do hope mom gets home before the hawk gets hawky!

  14. Hurry mom!!! Love the words and the image! Big Hugs!


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.