
Haiku my Heart - 8th Month, 27th Day

along the tide line
beneath a waning gibbous
shells and sand tumble

I'm still reading Japanese poetry, this time Buson..(1716-1784). In one of the translations of his poetry, Along the Shore, written on a beach, it reads (in part)  ..."interval between waves/small shells mixed in...shell bits that look like dried petals at the boundary between land and sea...in the surf..suggesting a wave roiling the two kinds of flotsam  indistinguishably" 

From this I gathered inspiration to write a haiku about walking on the beach under a waning moon, although I believe Buson's poem is actually about a mountain river.

Still, the waves, the movement of the water, tiny shells, brings such a feeling of peace. Try walking on the beach or along a riverbank, a lake, even a small creek, in the moonlight. It may take  you out of this stressful world we are experiencing just now in every direction, and allow  you a few moments of quiet spirit.

linked with peaceful affection to

Rebecca and other haiku writers  

Soft blessings for your weekend

side note to every service member:
Thank You! And I cry.


  1. Nice to hear you are reading Buson.
    Luv your haiku
    Happy Friday


  2. Water is such a benison isn't it. Thank you for your beautiful haiku and the reminder. Stay well.

  3. Quiet spirit!!! Indeed, indeed. Love the feeling, atmosphere, and picture in my mind that your Haiku creates for us that read it with heart!! Well done (as always)

    Ps. Enjoyed your "take on wood storks with your comment for me).

  4. Just today... I was sifting through some shells and pebbles that I have collected over the years from the beach. Doing that and experiencing your haiku... I feel the beach, the ocean, and that fine line between them... I love the image of them being dried petals at the boundary. Thank you for this, Judie.

  5. Walk along the beach and pick up a few shells... I did just that the other day and it does bring peace - not to the world maybe, but to my body and mind anyway. Thanks for this wonderful haiku!

  6. There is something wondrous about the moon... I love going outside and looking at her, in any of her phases, and take some deep breaths. Everything feels a bit nicer after that.

  7. Beautiful JC! I love being outside, especially when it's night time, with the moon out, or a cold winter's night, when the world seems to be sleeping. BIG HUGS!!!

  8. I think it is always lovely to be beside water ... the beach, or lake, or river!
    I like your Haiku.

    Happy September wishes.

    All the best Jan

  9. i grew up so close to the ocean, my muse, my joy, my solace. and when i turned 20 i was offered a job on a huge ship that traveled the world. endless sunrises and sunsets dancing across a limitless sea, a chance to walk every continents beach and snorkel every reef on earth. i moved to prescott to be near family in my late thirties and have been land locked ever since. your haiku helped me hear, see and taste my ocean, my confidant and forever friend. thank you. xoxo

  10. Nice to hear you are reading Buson.
    Luv your haiku
    Happy Friday


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