
Haiku my Heart - Autumn Rain

rain rain water skies
perhaps in late afternoon
rainbow and sunshine

rainy day walk - watercolor

but perhaps later.....a rainbow

Spirit Doll - Rainbow

linked this grey rainy day to

Rainy days are cozy days.



  1. Rainbows are the sky's reward for a rain well done! :)

  2. Lovely haiku and wonderful creation of little girl in the rain ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. A rhyming haiku, what a delight! I love the hope you weaved into it, and the fact that it's a perfect water chant for children to sing. The painting and the doll are a treasure, too.

  4. A rainbow automatically improves any day it graces.
    Love your haiku and your other creations.
    We are having spring rains here at the moment. Very welcome spring rains.

  5. A very nice watercolour.
    I enjoyed your Haiku.

    Have a happy weekend.

    All the best Jan

  6. Let's hope for a rainbow as colourful as the doll...!!! Love from Holland.

  7. Your spirit dolls are so darned impressive!!! Seriously. Wow.

    Haiku is great, but that goes without sayin'.

  8. I love your rainy day walker and her rainbow spirit guide... as well as your haiku, dear Judie.

  9. Truly beautiful! I love this!
    Thanks for checking in with me JC!! I have been busy at work! I will try to post soon and check in with everyone! Miss you! Big Hugs!

  10. Love this - haiku and art. That spirit doll is amazing.

  11. well you can send some of that rain to colorado, we sure could use it. really like you water color, you are quite talented =)

  12. Sounds like you enjoy the weather, rainy or not!


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.