
Haiku my Heart - Memories Linger

beyond the rainbow
a blue parakeet flies high
one left behind cries

It's difficult to lose a pet. One that has been with you several years. It's equally difficult to see the one left behind, the other half of the partnership, as it wonders where its family went, why is there no familiar being to eat seed with, to sing and chirp with, to chase around the flight cage, to snuggle against through a long, lonely night.

Birds cry. Birds hurt and wonder. Their silence says it all.
And to me...the silence is deafening.
r.i.p Mr. BB

Carry Blessings With You All Day



  1. Oh, no! That is terrible. I am so sorry. Will the other parakeet be okay?

    1. yes, eventually. thanks for asking, magaly.

  2. Sorry to hear you lost one of your pets

    Have a blessed weekend


  3. Heartrending. There is nothing which tugs at our heartstrings more succcessfully than memories is there?
    And OF COURSE birds feel, love, and grieve.
    My heart goes out to you both.

  4. Oh, truly I feel for you ALL. They are our companions, our friends. Trust in time the hurt heals and the broken heart mended.

    A heartbreaking haiku today.

  5. I have heard of stories from other bird-loving friends how the other half of a pair goes through a pronounced mourning process at the loss of its companion. I am so sorry for both your and your parakeet's loss. I hope that some day the memories come with enough sweet to take the edge off the bitter sorrow.

  6. So sad to lose our loved ones ~ lots of healing love to you and your sweet little bird ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of laughter in your day,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. So sorry for the loss... is there a way to hug a bird? I send you both hugs and love!

  8. I am so sorry for your loss.
    Healing thoughts and good wishes to you both.

    All the best Jan

  9. To be left behind is a heartbreaking experience.

  10. I'm so sorry about this. So hard to lose any pet at all . Have fun flying free Mr. BB. I love parakeets. One of my favorite birds to sketch.

  11. I've had this sitting on my desktop for days... and meaning to write ever since I saw your IG post. I am so sorry for this loss dear Judie. I know how much your birds mean to you. I hope the little yellow one left behind will be okay. And that the pain in your heart eases. Fly high Mr.BB. Your song echos in our hearts.

  12. oh my dear friend. i'm sitting here sending you so much love and light. you have such an affinity to winged creatures! your heart is tender and your love knows no bounds. if i were a bird i would be so blessed to have you as a caretaker. thank you for all the love and comfort you bring daily to this world. xoxo


Your comments are sincerely appreciated. Knowing you have been here is what keeps me posting. Thank you for taking the time.