
Haiku my Heart - The Nest

 so black he is blue
this crow and I, eye to eye
he knows what I know

The woodpecker nest, in my biggest tree, is alive with peeps. Mr. and Mrs. are very busy, flying in and out. When crow comes around, its iridescent feathers catching the light,  there are no peeps. Not a one. But....many, many screeches, squawks, and birdie warnings. He knows, as I do, there is a nest in this tree. There must also be baby mockingbirds near, because the mockingbirds hiss and screech, and fly at him. He flys from the mockingbirds. I'm betting he has felt their peck before. I have, and it hurts! 

This morning, at barely dawn when I sat on the front porch with my coffee, the sky reminded me of the one time I was on the L.A. Freeway, with winged zoomies going in every direction. It was a very busy morning. 

Later, when it calmed down, mother woodpecker went back to her nest. She is so pretty, so attentive. My phone camera does not do her justice, but here is a small taste of her. 

bringing food

in the nest after crow leaves
sticking her head out, watching

Birds are just so interesting! Do you ever watch nest cams? I do. I'm addicted...especially to the Hellsgate osprey. I have learned so much from that cam, not only about the bird and its nesting and eating and migrating habits, but about the rivers and mining operations in Montana. It all affects the lifespan and reproduction of the fish eating birds. 
Meanwhile, back in the sub-tropics, we remain on corvid watch! 

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please visit and feel the love

Have a happy weekend!



  1. "Birds are just so interesting! " yes they are.
    Stay Safe.
    Thanks for dropping ny my blog


  2. You will be totally unsurprised to learn that I find birds fascinating. And have become addicted to bird cams more than once.

  3. Lovely haiku about the crow ~ so black he is blue... ~ delightful story about the woodpecker and peeps ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. We have a woodpecker in the big Oak tree that we look at from our balcony, but the woodpecker doesn't nest there... in fact, no bird does (although there are lots visiting that tree.) Watching the birds is suiting isn't it? Enjoy your weekend! Love from Holland.

  5. Are you kidding me!!?! Anything having to do with birds, I watch, I listen, I read! I'm not called bird brain for nothing.

    Loved reading your Haiku.

    1. I just left John's blog. Beautiful nightingale recording!! Thanks for pointing me in his direction. (I left him a comment)

  6. "do you know why birds sing just before dawn? scientists believe it's to tel their mates that they made it through the night, as a way of saying, "i'm still here." maybe that's why we sing, too, why we create art-as a way of saying, "i made it. i'm still here." jeff goins may we always wake to a dawn filled with birdsong.

  7. You've captured the essence of the crow in those few words.

  8. Birds... are truly amazing. I listen each morning for which one I will hear first. Today it was the cooing of doves... last week, I heard two Great Horned owls for the first time ever in the night in the center of my city! And recently I had quite the talking to a crow that was trying to get into a sparrows nest... I have also become a "cat park" for the neighborhood. I am grateful to have a piece of wild in the middle of all the concrete...

  9. wow i enjoyed this post - and your description of the crow and the webcams you watch, etc....all very interesting.. I keep track of the Bald Eagles in Big Bear - there is a webcam and a facebook forum for everyone who loves to watch Shadow (the dad) and Jackie (the mom) when their egg(s) hatch. This year just one egg made it and Spirit is this young one's name. I know there are webcams all over and now I think i might have to look up the one you are talking about. I love watching them also.

  10. Such a lovely Haiku.
    I love watching the birds and listening to them :)

    All the best Jan


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